Tampa Bay needs an Adopt-A-Tree Program

Tallahassee, Leon Country are encouraging tree planting through an Adopt-A-Tree program. Do you think this would work in the Tampa Bay area?

Fall and winter, when both temperatures and tree’s leaves begin dropping, is the perfect time to start thinking about creating a canopy to shade your neighborhood come summer. And one way to get started with that is through the Tallahassee and Leon County adopt a tree programs.

Stan Rosenthal is a forester with Big Bend Forestry. He says now is just the right time for North Florida residents to start thinking about planting new trees.

“Yeah, the best time to plant trees is when the leaves are off. It’s basically when they’re asleep and not to do too much anthropomorphism, but they’re asleep and they’re more open to that kind of stress,” Rosenthal says.

Read more: http://news.wfsu.org/post/tallahassee-leon-country-encouraging-tree-planting-through-adopt-tree-program

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